Waste Not Want Not: Uses For Household Trash
The waste we generate is creating problems that are already having, and will continue to have, huge ramifications. Here are some ways to reuse the waste we create, without having to throw it away.
Cleaning Your House With Bicarbonate of Soda and Vinegar
Commercial manufacturers of household cleaning products would have us believe that we need a whole barrage of different unguents, cleaners, cleansers, scourers and bleaches to clean our homes, but nothing could be further from the truth.
Giving Up Shampoo – The No-Poo System
Hold onto your hats. Commercial shampoos are not only unnecessary, they are also almost certainly damaging your hair.
How to Re-Purpose Old Clothes
Here are just a few suggestions for some ways that you can re-purpose old clothes that are not ready for the scrap heap just yet.
What Is a Solar Panel and Why Would I Want One?
A solar panel can save you money, provide your home (or vacation home) with energy and help lessen your demand on fossil fuels. That’s innovative savings!
How To Make Your Own Healthy Laundry Soap
This easy-to-make recipe for green laundry soap will allow you to avoid the phenols, phosphates and artificial fragrances that are in commercial laundry products.
Did The Older Generation Ruin The Environment?
This young person is blaming the older generation for not taking care of the environment and passing the resulting mess on to them. As a senior citizen myself, I beg to differ!
Just What Does Organic Living Mean?
We have so many modern conveniences these days but major health problems still exist. In the search for the key to long life, organic living got its start.
A New Use For Plastic Bottle Caps
Here’s another way to get more out of those plastic bottles that so many things come in!
Worldwide Recycling
This infographic on recycling will show you that any little steps you take do count!