How To Make a Food Scrap Smoothie

Organic Waste for Compost

Here is a way to compost your kitchen scraps even if you don’t have a compost pile. You can use your blender to make “instant compost” for your plants. Here are directions for several types of food scrap smoothies you can make to fertilize your garden, indoor plants, lawn, etc.

Fruit Scrap Smoothie

  1. Save fruit scraps such as citrus peels, apple cores and peels, grape stems, pear cores, strawberry tops, melon rinds, etc. Cut up scraps that are very large.
  2. Avoid banana peels (these can clog your blender blades) and fruit stones such as the pits of peaches, plums, etc.
  3. Place fruit scraps into a blender, filling it no more than 3/4 full.
  4. Add about a cup of water.
  5. Turn the blender to “liquefy” or “puree” and run it for at least one full minute. Add water as needed to make a liquid that is about the consistency of thick cream.

Veggie Scrap Smoothie

  1. Save vegetable scraps such as the outer layers and peels of onions, carrot tops, tomato ends, celery trimmings, potato peels, etc.
  2. Again avoid pits, such as those in an avocado.
  3. Blend as directed for the fruit scrap smoothie.

Combination Smoothie

  1. Combine veggie and fruit scraps with various other kitchen waste, such as egg shells, leftover cooked rice, oatmeal, or other grains.
  2. Blend as directed for the fruit scrap smoothie.

After blending your food scraps, you have several options as to how to use them.

  1. Pour the smoothie into a covered bin in your kitchen, add newspaper shreds to cut down on odor, and allow it to ferment naturally before using it on plants.
  2. Pour the smoothie directly onto your garden, lawn, etc.
  3. Add extra water and pour the diluted smoothie onto your houseplants.
  4. Team up with a friend who has a garden and supply him or her with your smoothies.

Feed Your Grass

If you juice, you can also add the left-over pulp to your food scrape smoothies!

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