You Can Not Eat Money
From an Aboriginal quote…that goes like this: “When the last tree is cut, the last fish is caught, and the last river is polluted…
Growing A Green Sustainable Garden on Your Deck or Patio
Add healthy organic food to your family’s meals, save on the grocery bill, and decorate your deck or patio with a sustainable green garden.
Recyling Just One Aluminum Can
You know that guy, the one who digs through the trash cans at work and walks all around the parking lot collecting aluminum cans that have been thrown away?
Go Green with Dawn Dishwashing Liquid
There are so many ways to use Dawn dishwashing detergent, besides for washing the dishes, and it definitely provides some easy ways to help you go green.
Super Simple DIY Outdoor Table
This is so easy it’s laughable! And it’s great looking and very functional. All you need to be able to do is paint and hammer a few nails.
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate: Truth and Fiction
One ingredient in many health and beauty products that has gained a rather bad reputation is Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, aka SLS. The big question is, however, is SLS really dangerous?
Going Green In A Big Way!
It’s nothing short of amazing when you see what can be done using our abundant, natural resources like wind and solar.
What You Need to Know About Solar Power
One thing that many people have been doing to help the environment lately is moving to solar power, the new way to get electricity.
A Recycled Boot
Have you got an old boot that is just too worn out to use, or maybe one that your kids have outgrown?
Bird Feeder
What to do with those 20 ounce pop bottles? Grab a couple of wooden spoons, a small threaded eye bolt with a nut, and some string. Use a knife to poke the holes for the spoons and the eye bolt, push the spoons through their holes and tighten the eye bolt with it’s nut inside the […]